priligy zkuenosti

Digital Transformation for Business Strategy

Digital Transformation for Business Strategy

The 3SG partners help clients unlock value using digital transformation. The digital transformation can help a business discover new opportunities, sharpen effectiveness on all prospect engagement points, serve customers more effectively, optimize operations, and cut down the cost.

3SG has a proven track record of helping customers, combining digital technologies, data analytics, marketing strategy development, sales and customer support systems, content development, and training/coaching. 3SG partners combine knowledge in technology, data analytics, and business strategy.

The 3SG team has enabled SMB clients to set and achieve business goals using 7+ years of partnership in execution. 3SG Partners have achieved, on average 80% increase in revenues.

Digital Technology

Digital Technology 600 x 240

The 3SG Partners guide customers to integrate digital technology into their marketing, sales, and customer support strategies. 3SG provides fully-integrated solutions customized to meet a customer’s specific needs.

Digital technology can help a business augment its core identity, sharpen the focus, expand the reach to new geographies and market segments, and have an empowering feedback loop.


Data Integration

Data Integration 1000 x 400

The integration of data from different groups within a company saves cost, improves customer satisfaction, reveals new growth opportunities, and helps a business discover what they don’t know. With data integration, the whole is larger than the sum of its parts.

The technology is available and democratized now such that smaller companies have options to integrate operations and “act big” cost-effectively.


System to Measure & Learn

System to Measure and Learn 1000 x 400

Every business has a significant amount of data. How can this data help them improve customer satisfaction? Can they use data to identify new potential target market segments? What can help optimize operations and save cost?

The 3SG partners guide customers in designing and implementing systems that capture and show business insights intuitively.


Marketing Strategy

Marketing is measuring.

The 3SG team works closely with customers to define business goals and then the KPI (key performance indicators) for the marketing strategy. Customers get to see the feedback loop to understand the performance of marketing plans and campaigns.

As required, the 3SG partners integrate data from various channels to analyze the bottom-line impact.


Advertising Media Strategy

Advertising Media Strategy 1000 x 400

SMB companies have unparalleled range of advertising media options compared to any time in the past.

The 3SG team helps clients in several ways:

  • Market research to identify the right mix of advertising media based on the products/services and target market segments
  • An integrated approach to advertise and coordinate between different media
  • Designing system to measure and learn while cultivating the product exposure and brand credibility


Sales Strategy

3SG Content Strategy 1000 x 400

3SG can support customers’ sales strategy in several ways.

  • Define and structure the sales process stages and confidence intervals.
  • Set-up and customize a CRM system to track and manage the sales operations.
  • Create visual dashboards to analyze performance and insights for productivity & growth.
  • Distill and explain strategic business insights.


Content Strategy

Content Strategy 1000 x 400

With the pull paradigm of the internet, content is the currency of communication.

  • It can get a business in front of the right prospect and start a conversation.
  • It answers questions, engages prospects, and builds relationships.
  • It can support sales, business development, and customer experience groups.
  • It helps a company establish its core identity and brand credibility.


MarTech, AdTech, BI, CRM

3SG - BI - Martech - CRM 1000 x 400

Technology creates opportunities to expand and optimize the marketing, sales, customer experience, and customer project management. It plays a crucial role in data integration and business intelligence.

The key to success is integrating technology into the operations to simplify the process and tailor the experience to a specific use case. The 3SG team has experience with a range of technology tools.